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Select Car Leasing Stadium, Behind East Stand


Welcome to STAR Travel

STAR travel provides coach travel, whenever possible, to first team away matches, both league and cup, departing from either the Stadium adjacent to car park 1 or from West Street in Reading, using a fleet of modern coaches.   STAR travel is available for STAR members ONLY.

  • Please look to the right where the current available travel is listed.
  • Comprehensive FAQ are available at the bottom of this page to answer your questions on how to book and use STAR travel.
  • Please look to the right for information on when STAR base is next open for membership and travel sales.
  • If you are interested in booking travel online, please use the link over on the right to access this.
  • Please note No Alcohol can be carried on the coaches and seat belts must be warn at all times while travelling.

In case of illness: – It goes without saying – please do not travel if you feel unwell, suspect you have, or have tested positive for an infectious illness (e.g. Covid, Flu, Shingles).  Refunds/credits will be made without question as long as you inform us before the coach leaves (if at all possible more than 24 hours before the coach leaves).


If you have questions, please contact or for online booking travel queries.  Alternatively, you can contact us via SupportersTrustAtReading Messenger.  STAR Travel is run by volunteers and so please be patient in waiting for a response.

The STAR Travel team can be contacted for urgent queries on 07919 931716 between 6pm and 8pm, in the evening before an away game and in the morning of an away game prior to travel.  This number is NOT for BOOKINGS or GENERAL INFORMATION ENQUIRIES and WILL NOT BE ANSWERED (OR TEXTS RESPONDED TO) AT ANY OTHER TIMES.

Making a Coach Booking

Coach bookings are taken on match days in the STAR Base behind the East Stand, opposite Gate 7. Coach bookings here can only be made in person and cannot be made by email or over the phone. We will be open before the match, at half time (access only to those in the East Stand) and after the game. We may occassionally (e.g. early in season or for a cup tie) be open for bookings on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm to 9pm but please check this website page (right hand side under STAR Base Opening) for the details of our next planned opening hours.

We also offer Online Travel Booking.  Please click link to our online travel store star-reading online travel store. Availability will reduce as we move closer than 2 weeks before the match.

Places can be limited, so if you are thinking of travelling by coach to an away game please book early and with anyone you want to sit with on the coach to make sure you are allocated to the same coach (we are not able to accept requests for people to move coaches after booking). All coach bookings must be made in advance, please do not leave it until the last minute or turn up on match day and assume there will be seats available. Coach tickets are on sale several weeks before a fixture and the number of coaches are pre-booked based on firm bookings made several days before match day. Unfortunately we are not able to put on extra coaches at the last minute even if there is a demand for it.

Booking Policy:  Only STAR members are allowed to travel on coaches organised by STAR Travel. Members will be required to produce their membership card when both booking the coach and have them available when boarding prior to travel. Persons not in possession of a valid membership card may be prevented from travelling. If you purchase membership online a few days before wishing to book  you may find your membership card is not ready for collection, however you can still book a place by bringing your application confirmation email containing your membership number with you at the time of booking. You can join at the membership desk at the STAR Base and then book travel at the same time. Members may book for groups but, at the time of booking, must be in possession of the membership cards relating to all those in the group.

Under 14’s/18’s Policy: Members must be at least 14 years of age to travel unaccompanied or with another minor, those under 14 must be accompanied by someone aged 18+ to travel with STAR. We no longer operate a dedicated under 18’s coach. Please note should under 18’s wish to travel with friends they should book at the same time to make sure they are on the same coach as we are unable to arrange ‘seat swops’. See further information on under 18’s coach travel below.  For U14 travellers child restraints will not be provided by our coach operator.  Please bring a child restraint (seat, booster seat, etc) appropriate to the age of your child to enable them to have a safe and comfortable journey

Reading Town Centre Pick Up Policy: One coach is designated as Reading Town Centre coach, only this coach will pick up and drop off in West Street, Reading. Members wishing to travel on this coach must state this at the time of booking. No other coaches will go to the town centre other than this coach.

Important information for U18's Coach Travel

Although providing coach travel for unaccompanied young members aged between 14 and 18, following the receipt of legal advice regarding our safeguarding responsibilities, travellers aged under 18 who are not accompanied by an adult, will only be picked up and dropped off at the Madejski Stadium.

We appreciate that this decision will cause difficulty for some of our members, which is much regretted, but we take our safeguarding responsibility seriously. We shall ensure that on return journeys, when we are approximately an hour from arrival at the Madejski Stadium, an announcement will be made stating the estimated arrival time to enable young persons time to arrange to be collected.

There are a number of conditions (found in the latest STAR Coach Travel Policy) which apply to young persons between the ages of 14 and 17 years travelling unaccompanied, including being authorised to travel by a parent or legal guardian by completing a Parental Consent Form – please download the PCF template here .  Will all Youth (14 to under 18) members please complete this form when you join or renew.  It must be received by us at least 24 hours before travel, or you will be refused boarding and not receive a travel ticket refund.

Disabled Travel

STAR provides travel for all members and if a member qualifies as disabled they can travel with the support of an Adult carer (who does not have to be a member or pay for their travel).  STAR requires that Adult 1-1 support be provided for vulnerable people, sharing of support is not permitted.  STAR together with its travel partner Horseman are now also able to offer travel options for wheelchair users.  (This replaces the previous Readibus option which is no longer possible as we have been unable to reliably source revolunteer drivers.)

Our travel partners Horseman Coaches have added three adapted coaches to their fleet. Each coach has one wheelchair space available. Anyone interested in using this facility to travel to away games must contact STAR in advance wo we can check on the availability and where possible book these specifically adapted coaches which include a wheelchair space.

Please be aware of these before booking.

  • The earlier the request is submitted to STAR (e.g. 3 weeks before the match) the greater chance we have of securing an adapted coach and agreeing a suitable drop off with the club being visited. We will discuss these with you before the booking is confirmed.
  • There are some grounds where it will be difficult to disembark the adapted coach near the ground. STAR will do all it can (but not guarantee) to secure a close location for parking/disembarking the adapted coach.
  • We will probably plan an earlier departure to allow for more frequent stops as the adapted coaches do not have on-board toilets.
  • The ramp on the adapted coach is for disembarking wheelchairs. (It is not suitable for ambulant disabled to board/disembark the coach due to insufficient headroom).
  • Pick up and drop off will be from the SCL Stadium.

If there are any special requirements, such as sitting at the front of the coach, please let us know well in advance so we can attempt to make your journey and all our members as enjoyable as possible.

Next Away Travel

vs Wigan Athletic
Saturday 1st March ko 3:00 pm
Depart:SCL Stadium 7:30 am
West Street 7:45 am
Fare: £40

vs Crawley Town
Saturday 8th March ko 12:30 pm
Depart:West Street 8:45 am
SCL Stadium 9:00 am
Fare: £20

Travel Updates

To opt in for Travel or General updates via WhatsApp please scan this QR code or click HERE (Opens In WhatsApp) or send the Message ‘I would like to stay updated’ to +15414605373


Next STAR Base opening: – Tuesday 11th February, before the match.

Memberhsip – please join online using this link – or renew online using the link in the email we have sent you.  Or email us at to arrange to join or renew in STAR base.


In order to help those who find it hard to get to STAR Base when it is open we have now introduced booking travel online.  Availability will reduce as we move closer than 2 weeks before the match.  Travel is for STAR members only, so please ensure you have membership in place before you book travel online.

STAR Travel Team

Colin Bishop
Operations Manager, Travel

The STAR Travel team is co-ordinated by Colin Bishop, lifelong Reading supporter, STAR Board member and experienced travel organiser. He is supported by a number of volunteers who help with bookings and stewarding on the coaches.

STAR work very closely with our Travel partners Horsemans Coaches who have a fleet of Luxury and Executive Coaches for longer journeys. Their friendly approach and willingness to ‘go the extra mile’ (excuse the pun!) makes them very much part of our community of away travellers.

Away Ground Information

For away ground information (old and new), visit FGG – Football Ground Guide

STAR Travel FAQs

Q. When and where can I book STAR coach travel?

A. Coach travel can be booked online at and at STAR Base behind the East Stand on home matchdays and occassionally on Tuesday evenings between 7.30-9.00pm. Please check the website, above right, for news of opening hours.

Q. What payment methods do you accept?

A. We can accept payment via contactless and PIN credit and Debit cards, cash or cheque made payable to “STAR”.

Q. How do I get updated when inclement weather risks matches going ahead and the coaches running?

A – The latest news on any travel that is at risk of not running will be shown on the STAR web-site and where possible social media.

Q. Can I book coach travel through the Reading FC Sales Centre?

A. No, all travel must be booked through STAR.

Q. I'm under 18 and wish to travel alone on the coach, can I do this?

A. Yes you can, but only if you are at least 14 years old.  Please see section above  – Under 14’s/18’s Policy: for more information on this.

Q. When I book my coach travel do I get a designated coach and seat number?

A. You will be given a designated coach number but seats are on a first come first serve basis on the day. If you want to sit together, please book together, to make sure you are allocated to the same coach.  STAR will not transfer people between coaches after booking so they can sit together.

Q. In respect of away travel, when do I need to carry my membership card?

A. You will be required to produce your card when booking a seat on a coach and when boarding the coach immediately prior to travelling.

Q. What happens if I do not have my card on the day of travel?

A. It is the stewards responsibility to ensure that only members travel, you may be prevented from travelling without recourse to any refund.

Q. Can I book coaches on behalf of others (eg friends and family)?

A. Yes. However, at the time of booking, you must be in possession of the membership card of each person in your group.

Q. Can my STAR Membership be used by someone else to travel?

A. No. STAR Membership is not transferable.

Q. Where do STAR coaches depart from?

A. Unless advised otherwise we will depart from the area between Car Park  1 and Car Park 2 at the Stadium.


One of our coaches will also depart from West Street in Reading Town Centre (near the former Primark site, to the right of the image below).

Q. Where should I park my car at the Select Car Leasing Stadium?

A. Only Car Park No. 1 (otherwise known as the Park & Ride car park) should be used for parking, NOT the Megastore or Hotel car parks.  Cars parked at owners risk.

From time to time due to events being held at the stadium alternative parking arrangments may be in force and we will endevour to notify you prior to departure. Parking is always at RFC discretion and any directions given by stewards should be followed.

Q. What if I wish to depart from West Street rather than the Select Car Leasing Stadium?

A. We have a designated coach for those wishing to be picked up from at West Street outside the former Primark location in Reading. Please say when booking your coach travel that this is the coach you wish to be on. No other coaches will pick up or drop off at West Street.  Unaccompanied U18s can only join the coach at the stadium and not at West Street.

Q. Am I allowed to leave items on the coach when I leave for the match?

A. You may leave any personal possessions you wish but STAR & the coach operator will not accept responsibility for personal belongings left on the coaches, they are left at the owners risk.

Q. Can I bring alcohol on the coach with me?

A. Alcohol cannot legally be taken onto football coaches under the Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc. Act) 1985.  You will not be allowed to travel if you do so.

Q. I can no longer go to the game or have not managed to get an away match ticket but have already purchased travel, what should I do?

A. Come and see us in STAR Base and we’ll sort out a refund or credit towards future coach travel. Please do this as soon as possible though so we can attempt to resell your coach seat. We cannot guarantee refunds or credit for another trip unless a minimum of 24 hours notice is given.

Q. How do I book travel for my carer?

STAR provides travel for all members and if a member qualifies as disabled they can travel with the support of a carer (who does not have to be a member or pay for their travel).  Bookings can be made at STAR base, where a ticket will be purchased for the member and the carer details shared with the travel team to secure them both on the coach list.

Bookings can also be made online.  Please select the match required and set quantity to one (and pay for one ticket on checkout).  The full details if the Member travelling, together with the carers name are to be clearly identified in the “Names and STAR Membership Numbers for all travellers booked.” section of the onlinebooking system.