STAR Membership
If you are passionate about football and passionate about Reading FC then join us at STAR.
The Supporters Trust At Reading is a Registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 in the name of Reading Football Supporters’ Society Limited.

What you get when you join STAR
Benefits of STAR membership include:
Representation: STAR is a democratically accountable, community-minded non-profit making supporters’ organisation dedicated to representing the views of Reading fans to the Football Club, football governing bodies authorities, the media and the local community. The more members we have, the louder our collective voice is!
Away Travel: STAR runs coaches, whenever possible, to first team away games, for members only.
Fans’ Forums: Preferential access to in-person Question and Answer evenings with key RFC people – players, management and other staff. Zoom based events may also be held. Fans’ Forums are held throughout the season.
Loyalty Points: For the 2023-24 season STAR members receive 20 Loyalty Points added to your RFC account.
Fanstore Events: Entry to STAR member exclusive Fanstore events. Two planned for season. 20% discount off items in event.
Communications: STAR Bulletins are sent by email to members throughout the season, in addition to frequent tweets, facebook and Instagram posts, with all the latest events, travel news and STAR views on important issues (please note our email policy to reduce spam detailed in the Email Communication Guidelines below).
Share Ownership: Each Trust Member over 18 owns a £1 nominal share in the Trust, and each eligible member has the right to stand for election to the Trust Board, to vote in the election of Trust Board representatives and to attend the AGM. (NB Members under 18 join as ‘affiliated members’ and are not eligible to vote or stand for Board membership).

Our membership system has been set up to provide 12 months membership from when you join. You are able to rejoin 2 months before the end of your membership expiry and up to 2 months after your membership expires without needing to re-enter any of your personal data. In both cases the existing membership renewal date will be extended by 12 months.
If you have a family/friends group of members that you wish to manage collectively – please use your email in the Email field for each member and put each members personal email in the Email 2 (mailing list only field).
If you have set up a standing order to pay for your membership fees, STAR will manage the renewal on your behalf on receipt of your standing order payement.
If you have any further membership system queries please email
STAR processes personal data in respect of members and occasionally third parties in order to fulfill its roles and obligations. Although STAR is a ‘Not for Profit’ organisation that is exempt from registering with the Information Commissioner, it still complies with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 to ensure that your rights are properly protected. Our data privacy policy outlines how STAR will comply with the law and protect your rights. You can download a copy of the Personal Data Privacy Policy here.
Our Email Guidelines
As part of our continued efforts to improve email communication to members we operate a strict member e-mailing list incorporating the latest best practice. When completing your membership application we use the email address from your application to contact you with our Bulletins and Reading Matter newsletters.
We have found in the past that some email accounts on our mailing list become outdated during the season, become full or otherwise unavailable, especially web based accounts such as Gmail and Hotmail and repeated attempts to send to those addresses can unfortunately be interpreted by internet providers as spam. To help improve deliverability and avoid problems associated with spam filters, emails returned to us as undelivered or unavailable are automatically removed from our main mailing list. We will make a further attempt to contact those account holders to re-subscribe but if unsuccessful those email addresses will remain off our mailing list. You can also help by marking our address of as a ‘friendly’ email in your spam filters.
We hope this will lead to an improvement for the vast majority of our members. Should you find you have not been receiving emails from us, and have checked your spam filter, please contact with your details.
How to join STAR
Travel and General Updates
To opt in for Travel or General updates via WhatsApp please scan this QR code or click HERE (Opens In WhatsApp) or send the Message ‘I would like to stay updated’ to +15414605373

Joining as a New Member – Our membership fees are £10 for adults and £5 for under 18’s and 65 and over’s. You can join online using the button above. Payments are made securely using debit or credit cards (and Apple/Google Pay on a smartphone) via the Stripe payment processing platform.
Joining STAR Online is simple and straightforward!
We have now implemented a new fully online based membership system.
Joining as a New Member – Our membership fees are £10 for adults and £5 for under 18’s and 65 and over’s. You can join online using the button above. Payments are made securely using debit or credit cards (and Apple/Google Pay on a smartphone) via the Stripe payment processing platform.
Renewing – please click the link in the emails sent to you as that will take you straight to your own account. Please see help video below (many thanks to Sacha for creating this for us!)
Our membership runs for 12 months from joining, which for the majority of existing members is 1st July to 30th June.
For members using STAR coach travel a duplicate paper membership card will be required and can be requested when filling in the member form. It will be issued at STAR Base (only), at no cost. We will no longer be posting these duplicates. Over the coming season we will be actively pursuing ways to enable members to securely store/display the electronic membership card with the aim of further reducing the need for paper cards.
Please use this platform to join and renew wherever possible as this will provide you with an immediate membership number and you will enter and be in full control of your personal information. It will still be possible to join and renew at STAR base for those who do not have access to the technology or electronic payment capability to do this online.
If you have any membership queries please email
Simplify your future STAR membership renewal – set up a Standing Order
You can set up a standing order to cover next year’s and future year’s membership. Please email us at to get the relevant bank account details, or pick up a form in STAR Base. When you set it up – the Standing Order should have a start date of 1st July 2023. Please use the online membership tool above for this year’s membership (new or renewal).

Sign Up For Our Newsletter
Not yet ready to join STAR as a full member?
Not to worry, you can still subscribe below to join our STAR Followers community and receive our regular STAR Newsletter for non-members by email and keep up to date with our events and news.
We don’t share your name or email with any one else, simply add them below and submit. We look forward to welcoming you to our STAR Followers community!